


★★★ WHY ★★★

WHY evil lucks around me ???
i don't know how to face it ~~~ :c

I can’t figure out what went wrong, for the progress of love has fallen behind.
I wish very much to be your friend too, but you’re so silly that you don’t get it.
I’ve always been waiting for scintillating love to happen.
Silently counting one two three,I have already given enough hints.
I am very naïve.
Your pace is too fast. You’re in front and I’m behind, we have no chance to speak.
How I wish that at the next junction, you could start holding my hand.
I really wish to ask you, are you shy or just plain dumb.
Silently counting one two three, give me one second of a glancing look that can move my heart.
I wait in anticipation, because you make love complete.

Im not enough strong !!!

